The company profile in Atoka

Company name and logo (if it exists, otherwise the logo of Atoka is displayed). It is displayed at the top, and also contains some additional information: the year in which the company started its activity and three keywords that briefly describe the activity carried out. These are keywords extracted from automatic search engines, therefore they should be considered as suggestions, not as certain information. Other keywords associated with the company are located at the bottom, on the right of the screen (they are highlighted with a dark background). If it is a public administration body or a startup registered in the register of innovative startups, this information will be visible on the right of the year of start of activity;
The “Add to +” item – allows you to add the company to a list, or see the lists in which it was added (they will be displayed in this area);

The sections menu (TAB) (with the items “Overview, Covid-19, Locations, Contacts, People, Social) is located on the left of the central area.
Each TAB deepens a category of information, which in the overview of the sheet is presented only in summary form.
The voices are arranged vertically. The number in brackets that is present next to some of the names of the TABs corresponds to the number of objects present in that section: in the image there are, for example, 19 contact information, 23 people etc.
The central area of the page contains many of the company’s key information, often included in some boxes (Infobox). Some boxes contain small interactive graphs, especially where there are historical data (trend of revenues, trend of the number of employees, etc …). By positioning the mouse over one of the components of the graph, the relative value is displayed, as shown in the image below.

The lateral area on the right of the screen shows some of the information present in the rest of the internal sections (social channels, contact information, company representatives, keywords associated with the company). Each information block has an entry “Read more”, which refers to the internal section.
Registries. Scrolling further down the page there is other useful information about the company. For example: the year in which the company started the business, the VAT ID / Tax ID, the headquarters with a map, the prevalent sector or the description of the company.

Dimensions – under the “dimensions” section you can find the company’s financial information such as revenues, employees, number of locations..etc.

News – at the bottom of the page you can find the latest news in which the company was mentioned, or one of its owners. For the entire article, click on ‘Continue reading’.