The ‘People’ Tab

16 March 2021

The “People” Tab presents all the people connected to the company.

If the contact comes from sources of the Chamber of Commerce, i.e. the person holds an official position, the person’s name and surname appear in blue color: it means that it is possible to deepen the information about that person, opening a dedicated page.

If, on the other hand, there are people with first and last names in gray, it means that they only have operational assignments, that these names come from the company’s web or social pages, and that therefore no in-depth public information about the person will be available.

To get an in-depth look at people with official positions, you need to click on the name.

This will open a new tab, based on the same structure as the company tab, but referring to the person. Also in this case we have, a central overview, in which some synthetic information is reported, and some lateral in-depth tabs. At the bottom, a timeline shows the temporal progression of the person’s offices and shareholdings.

The tabs on the left give us information about:

  • Roles: all the roles of the person, with the detail of the company and the specification of the type of role and the date from which that role is held
  • Shares: in a view very similar to the roles, we see again the detail of the companies and the indication of the value of the shareholding
  • Real estate: offers us the details of the person’s property, with an indication of the type of ownership, cadastral data and other persons who are co-owners of that property. Where present, an estimate of the commercial value of the property will also be available, as a result of the experience of the Cerved group in the field of real estate appraisals.